Letters of Recommendation FAQs

Do you write letters of
recommendations for minors?

Yes. I write letters of recommendation for gender-affirming medical and surgical interventions for minors. A legal guardian must be present during the assessment for minors.

What if I need an
updated letter?

Log in to your TheraNest account and request a 30-min appointment. I can not update a letter written by another provider. You would need to request a new client appointment.

How much do you charge?

There is no fee for the session or letter.

Do you have a waitlist?

I do not have a waitlist. Appointments are usually available within 3 weeks. If you have a consultation or surgery date that is scheduled within 4 weeks, please indicate that in your appointment request.

How long will it take to
receive my letter?

5 days unless otherwise stated at the time of our session.

How do I schedule an appointment?

You can send an email requesting an appointment to letters@aoklcsw.com.

Read my position statement on requiring letters of recommendation here